Looking to enhance the energy efficiency of your house? Exploring the cheapest options available? Curious if it’s a good idea to have secondary glazing installed or to do a full window replacement?

When it comes to improving the energy efficiency and comfort of your home or building, there are two main options: secondary glazing and window replacement.

In this blog post, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of each option to help you decide which is better for your property.

Keep on reading to find out more.

Secondary Glazing

Secondary glazing involves adding a second layer of glazing to an existing window, creating an insulating air gap between the two panes. This traps the warm air in for winter and keeps hot air out in summer. This can help to reduce heat loss, and noise pollution, and improve security.

Secondary glazing is a very popular choice for listed buildings or historic buildings where the primary window can’t be changed and this is where secondary glazing becomes particularly useful.

Secondary glazing can be installed on many types of windows, including casement, sash, bay, and tilt-and-turn windows.

The type of secondary glazing consists of horizontal sliding windows, vertical sliding windows, hinged secondary glazing units, lift-out, fixed secondary glazing and several more.

What are the benefits of secondary glazing?

Save Money: Secondary glazing is generally more cost-effective and affordable than window replacement, making it a great option if you are on a budget. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to completely replace the window which can be very expensive, instead you can choose secondary glazing to make your life easier.

Noise insulation: Secondary glazing can significantly reduce the amount of noise that enters a building, even more so that double and even triple glazing in most instances. This can be particularly beneficial for those living or working in noisy environments, such as near busy roads or airports. Check our case study on how we helped a homeowner to reduce house noise near the M62 motorway.

Easy installation: Secondary glazing can be installed easily, often within just a few hours. Once you make a request, it’s only a matter of a few weeks before you can see your windows with secondary glazing. It is very easy to install and without the requirement for any major construction work.

Retains original windows: Secondary glazing allows you to retain the original character and aesthetics of your existing windows. You don’t have to give up on your window’s aesthetic design or make any changes, with secondary glazing it all can be taken care of. Check out our case study on how we preserved a homeowner’s 1920’s window design.

Good for listed buildings: Secondary glazing is a popular option for listed buildings as it is less invasive and can help to preserve the original features of the building. if you can’t get any permission then this option could be a great alternative for you.

Enhanced Security: By adding an extra layer of glass or plastic to an existing window, secondary glazing creates a barrier that can be more difficult for intruders to break through. Secondary glazing can be particularly useful in situations where the existing primary windows are old or damaged, and therefore less secure. It is also a good option for those living in ground-floor apartments or houses, where windows are more vulnerable to break-ins.

Window Replacement

Now that we have covered the benefits of secondary glazing let’s see if the window replacement can outperform the benefits that secondary glazing offers.

Window replacement involves removing the old window and installing a new, more energy-efficient window. However,  due to ever-increasing prices and new solutions that are being offered in the market, this option is becoming significantly less appealing.

There are several types of windows that can be used for replacement, including double-hung windows, casement windows, sliding windows, and bay windows.

However, window replacement still comes with its own unique benefits which include increased window efficiency, reduce heat loss, and noise pollution, and improve security. We will be discussing this more in-depth in the next section.

Window Replacement Benefits 

Energy-efficient: Window replacement can significantly improve the energy efficiency of your home, resulting in lower heating and cooling bills. However, this can be costly and can add up to a huge amount especially when you have a lot of windows that need to be replaced.

Improved noise reduction: Window replacement can significantly reduce noise pollution, making it a great option for those living in noisy areas. However, it still depends on the type of glass that is fitted and you want to choose a glass thicker and that offers great insulation. However, Window replacement involves more invasive installation, which can cause disruption to your home or building. This can cause noise, dust, and other inconveniences for homeowners, especially if the work is being done during the colder months.

Increase property value: Window replacement can increase the value of your property, making it a good investment. However, Window replacement can change the look of your property, which may not be desirable for those wanting to retain the original character of their building. Whereas, secondary glazing allows you to keep your old window design.

Which is better?

If you’re looking for a cost-effective solution that retains the original character of your building, secondary glazing may be the best option for you. If you’re looking to significantly improve energy efficiency and noise reduction, and are willing to invest in a more invasive installation process, then window replacement may be the better option.

However, due to the increase in inflation, homeowners are struggling to afford this basic necessity. In this scenario, secondary glazing could work better as it’s much cheaper and offers similar or even better benefits compared to window replacement.

We here a Granada secondary glazing have over 35 years of experience in installing the best quality secondary glazing in the industry. why not call us today on 019094 99899 or fill in a Form online our experts will be in touch ASAP.


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